Android Apps+Games

Free Download Blue Cat Lock Screen for Android

Blue Cat Lock Screen

Free Download Blue Cat Lock Screen

License model:  Freeware
Publisher:   no
Language:  English
File Size:  0.7MB


Funny, fluffy and blue eyes cat. Get this hilariuos cat as a free screen locker and laugh with friends and family.
It's easy, install the theme and push the "Activate theme" button.
* This theme requires Rocket Locker which you can install free from Google Play (
* If you don't have Rocket Locker installed, you can easily install it inside the theme app.
If you have any issues or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.
(please make sure you include "rocket locker" in the subject)


Update: 2015-03-07
Version: 1.2
Requires: Android4.0 or later