Android Apps+Games

Free Download Fast Charger for Android

 Fast Charger

Free Download Fast Charger

License model:  Freeware
Publisher:   apps
Language:  English
File Size:  1.7MB


This app is automatic awaken when you plug in your charger , click start to speed up the charging process and at any level you can click exit to resume all the signals.
Is your device taking hours for being fully charged? Now you can fully charge your device in minutes with this amazing app.
When you click start , this app kills all the background processes and communications like wifi , blue tooth, Mobile internet which consume battery hence your charging is boosted . When you click exit , all the processes will auto resume.
Fast Charger provides half a charge in as little as 20 minutes.This app boosts your device's charging time upto 50%.
Now you can have a quick meal and have your device fully charged when you’re done.


Update: 2015-02-23
Version: 4.2
Requires: Android2.3 or later